Important Tips to Know About Broken Tooth

Important Tips to Know About Broken Tooth

Breaking a tooth is harmful and painful, but taking immediate action and seeing an emergency dentist can fix cosmetic damage and help prevent long-term problems. Dealing with a broken tooth is more than people imagine in life. Even if human teeth are very strong, the teeth may be chipped, cracked, or broken in certain circumstances. This damage can cause severe pain. It can also make the teeth more vulnerable to infections. If your tooth is broken, it is essential to consult an emergency dentist as soon as possible. Here are some tips a Toronto emergency dentist suggests to do to help you.

Why Does Breaking Teeth Happen?

Cracked or broken teeth may happen by injuries. Symptoms of cracked teeth include pain when chewing, persistent or sudden pain. In other words, a broken tooth can range from a small chip to a complete fracture of an area, exposing dentin and pulp. Enamel has no nerves or blood vessels, so losing enamel may be painless. When the dentin or pulp is exposed to the air, the tooth often hurts. Bacteria can infect the exposed pulp over time, causing more pain, discoloration of the remaining enamel, and sensitivity to temperature changes. The tooth may also be broken due to injury, whether the dentin or the pulp is not exposed. The sooner you treat a cracked tooth, the more likely it is to be saved, as the damage gradually gets worse, and then it will be more difficult to save it. If the crack has spread into the tooth pulp, it can be treated with a root canal method, and a dental crown can protect the crack from spreading. If the crack is below the gum line, it cannot be saved, so it must be extracted. Then there are some other treatments to restore your smile, such as dentures.

What to Do When Breaking a Tooth?

There are some actions you can take before going to an emergency dentist’s office. Step one is rinsing your mouth with warm water. You can also put a cold pack on your cheek or lips. If there is bleeding, you can use a teabag to help you; apply pressure to the area with teabag help. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever is also helpful.


How Will a Broken Tooth Be Cured?

Proper treatment of a broken tooth depends on the extent of the injury. The tooth pulp that is infected with the bacterium dies over time. This should be removed and replaced by dental filling in the root canal method. Emergency dentists sometimes wait to see if the pulp is infected, in which case a temporary dental crown may be placed on the broken tooth. If the pulp is not infected, but there is a large chip, the dental crown restores the tooth’s beauty. Usually, a tooth can be repaired when only a small chip is lost. If you are trying to care for a restored crown or tooth, flossing and regular brushing with special toothpaste, in which its fluoride formula strengthens teeth to prevent cavities, is recommended. Finally, the emergency dentist will choose the best treatment and restore your smile.