The human body is indeed a marvel. There are many organs and structures of the human body that work together in a system. This is what makes a human, human. The many systems in the body enable humans to perform many things in life and to survive this life. However, we all know that humans are also prone to sickness. Medicine is needed in treating many diseases. This includes vestibulitis.
In this article, vestibulitis we are referring to is nasal vestibulitis. Nasal vestibulitis is the minor infection at the opening of the nose. It is an infection caused by bacteria known as the staphylococcus bacteria. In other words, the nasal vestibule is located inside the nostril or nose opening. You probably have heard about the word vestibule somewhere else such as at the vagina. This is why we are referring to the vestibulitis we will be discussing here is nasal vestibulitis as there is actually also vulvar vestibulitis.
In general, there are actually many kinds of bacteria that are already alive in the nose but in most cases it can be considered harmless. Despite this, when there are injuries to the inside of the nose such as from picking more, plucking the nose hair or blowing nose excessively, this will create opportunity for the bacteria to enter the wound. Upon entering, the bacteria can be the reason for the infection that occurs. Apart from injuries to the nose by physical means, it is also said that cancer treatments may have heightened the risk for nasal vestibulitis.
Anyone can get nasal vestibulitis but there are certainly groups of people that are more prone to develop the condition. This includes those who have weaker or low immune systems such as those with diabetes and autoimmune diseases. There is research stated that nasal vestibulitis is a common condition in older adults.
Nasal vestibulitis is often explained as a pimple-like growth inside the nose. The growth itself may be several and not just one. Similar to many other infections, when the growth is popped or picked, infection can get worse. Crusting is common to be found in the nose. Other symptoms include pain inside the nose or around the nose, swelling of the nose, dryness in the nose, itching and bleeding. In rare cases, fever may occur.
In most cases of nasal vestibulitis, treatment with warm compression to the infected area can ease the symptoms. Warm compress should be done a few times a day. On top of that, doctors may prescribe antibiotic cream known as mupirocin. This mupirocin ointment can cure nasal vestibulitis but may need to be used for a few weeks before the symptoms subsides. Although it is true that most cases are considered as mild ones, in severe infections doctors may prescribe oral antibiotics for around a week. When there is no response towards mupirocin and warm compresses, oral antibiotics may also be prescribed to help patients feel relief.
Do you know why treating nasal vestibulitis is important? The nose itself belongs to part of the face known as the “danger triangle” zone. This zone consists of the corner of the mouth to the bridge of the nose. This means that this specific area of the face is considered dangerous as it has direct links to the brain. In other words, when there is infection to this face zone, it is able to be spread to the brain although it is considered very rare. Apart from that, there are possible complications of cavernous sinus thrombosis (blood clot in the cavernous sinus located at the base of the brain), facial cellulitis (serious skin infection) and orbital abscess (collection of pus within the eye socket).
There is another condition that can be resulted from nasal vestibulitis which is nasal furuncles. Nasal furuncles are considered a more serious infection resulting in boils to the nasal vestibule. It may develop from the infection under the skin that spreads to the nose. Patients are often presented with painful swelling in the vestibule, red skin over the nose and tense with visible boil in the nostril. Nasal furuncle is usually treated with oral antibiotics and mupirocin. Warm compress is also helpful in reducing symptoms. Reasons being why nasal furuncle is considered a serious case is due to the fact that it carries great risk for development of cavernous venous thrombosis. When there are complications, patients often require to be hospitalised as there is the need to drain the boil and be given antibiotics via intravenous.
It can be concluded that nasal vestibulitis is a condition where there is infection to the nasal vestibule. It is considered harmless in most patients but can be serious when it is not treated properly. While nasal vestibulitis typically may be healed at home, some cases such as those with immunocompromised should always seek medical attention despite it seeming mild. Nasal vestibulitis can be improved within a few days when prompt medical treatment is given.